Privacy Policy of Digital Horizon

We appreciate your visit to the Digital Horizon website and your interest in our Privacy Policy. At Digital Horizon, protecting the privacy of our users and visitors is of utmost importance to us. We are dedicated to upholding the confidentiality of your personal information. This Privacy Policy provides an overview of how Digital Horizon gathers, utilizes, and safeguards user and user information. 

Automatic Data Collection and Storage: 

When a customer utilizes Digital Horizon’s Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software, some technical information is automatically collected. This includes the date and time of access, which enable us to evaluate user traffic trends and improve our services. 


Our website may use cookies to enhance user experience and personalize content. Cookies are small text files stored on your device that track your interactions with our website. We use both session and persistent cookies to differentiate between new and returning visitors and remember user preferences. You may choose to disable cookies in your browser settings; however, this may limit your access to certain website features. 

Information Collected from Forms: 

Digital Horizon provides forms for visitors to voluntarily submit personal information, such as email addresses, names, and phone numbers. This information is collected when signing up for product demos, free trials, or submitting inquiries. We use this information solely to respond to inquiries and provide requested services. 

Email Inquiries: When users send email inquiries to Digital Horizon, we use the provided email address to respond to the inquiry. We do not use email addresses for any other purpose or share them with third parties.

Sharing:In instances where collaboration is necessary, we may share specific contact information with these providers to facilitate the delivery of services. It is important to note that we adhere to strict privacy guidelines and only share personal information with third parties when deemed essential for service enhancement. Furthermore, Digital Horizon does not engage in the sharing or utilization of personal data for purposes unrelated to service provision without explicit user consent. Our commitment to safeguarding user privacy remains paramount throughout all collaborative efforts. 

Server Security: 

Digital Horizon’s servers are securely stored and access is restricted to authorized personnel only. We employ advanced security measures, including data encryption and firewalls, to protect user data from unauthorized access or disclosure. 


Our ERP platform may contain links to third-party websites. Digital Horizon is not responsible for the privacy practices of these websites and encourages users to review their privacy policies before interacting with them. 

Children’s Privacy 

Digital Horizon recognizes the importance of parental involvement in children’s online activities. In cases where we may inadvertently collect personal information from a child under the age of 13, we will seek verifiable parental consent before using or storing such information. Parents or legal guardians have the right to review, modify, or request the deletion of their child’s personal 

information from our records at any time. We regularly update our policies and procedures to adapt to evolving regulatory requirements and technological advancements, demonstrating our commitment to safeguarding children’s privacy online. 

Opt-Out Policy: 

Users may request to opt out of certain data collection practices by contacting our privacy team. We will promptly honor such requests and take necessary steps to ensure user preferences are respected. 

Notification of Changes: 

Digital Horizon will notify users of any changes to our Privacy Policy by posting updates on our website. We encourage users to review the Privacy Policy periodically for any changes.